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‘Students achieving their full potential as active thinkers and self-motivated, life-long learners within a supportive environment’
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
In Literacy, Year 1 are using 'deserts' as their theme and focus for a cross curricular learning experience. In English, year 1 are focusing on phonics and is moving on to writing simple sentences. They are sequencing stories and focus on the setting and characters. They are reading stories from The Oxford Reading series.
In Maths, they have consolidated number value till 20 and has moved on to addition and subtraction. They are identifying shapes and are using handspans, strides and using a ruler.
Click below to view the Year 1 KPI documents
Year 1
In Literacy, Year 2 are using 'deserts' as their theme and focus for a cross curricular learning experience. They have been working on recounting stories and have moved on to writing instructions. Stories from The Oxford Reading Tree series are used for Guided Reading.
In Maths, they have consolidated number and place value. They have moved on to identifying British money, as well as addition and subtraction with money, adding totals and working out change. They covered halves and quarters of shapes, as well as finding halves of even numbers. They are working on adding single digits to 2-digit numbers, as well as subtracting single digits from 2-digit numbers.
Click below to view the Year 2 KPI documents
Year 3 are using ‘The World’ as their main theme and focus for creating a meaningful and immersive cross curricular experience for all pupils.
In English, pupils are writing narrative stories based on the different settings in their class book ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ by the author Johnathon Smith. They will then move onto writing narratives based in different settings to explore the diverse settings found in the world.
In Maths, pupils have consolidated and extended their learning of addition and subtraction as well as 2D shapes. They are now studying the properties of 3D shapes and then they will be moving onto calculations of multiplication and ‘division’.
In Science, the students are exploring the main theme of 'Living Things'. The students have explored 'Plants' focussing on plant survival and will be moving on to explore ‘Animals and Humans’.
Click below to view the Year 3 KPI documents
Year 4
Year 4 are using ‘Life in Britain’ as their main theme and focus for an immersive and cross curricular learning experience.
In English, pupils are writing narrative texts based on the story ‘The Butterfly Lion’ by the author Michael Morpurgo. They will then move onto writing narratives set in Britain during The Second World War and compare life in the past to modern times.
In Maths, pupils have consolidated their understanding of the ‘four operations’ including the formal written methods for each operation and are now moving onto developing their understanding of fractions of shape and amounts, 12 hour and 24hour time and 2D/3D shapes.
In Science, the pupils have explored ‘Electricity’ and developed an understanding of circuits. The students are now moving onto the ‘human body’ with a focus on the process of digestion
Click below to view the Year4 KPI documents
Year 5
Year 5 are using the novel 'Holes' by Louis Sachar as their stimulus. The novel takes place at a behaviour correctional facility located in a dried-up bed of an old lake and follows the experiences of a teenage boy called Stanley.
In English, Year 5 are writing narratives based on their reading of Holes. This includes focused writing tasks on character and setting descriptions, diary accounts, chapter writing, and writing alternative endings to the text.
In Maths, pupils have consolidated their understanding of Place Value, formal written methods for the four operations and applying them when solving problems.
In Science, pupils have been learning about Lifecycles in humans, animals and plants. They will move on to learning about Forces and the effect forces have on transport including ships and rockets.