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‘Students achieving their full potential as active thinkers and self-motivated, life-long learners within a supportive environment’
Secondary School
CES Secondary School is a vibrant and dynamic environment with high expectations and great ambitions
for every one of our students. We believe that creative thinking, discipline and common purpose are solid
foundations for success in life and education, and we understand the value of professionalism and innovation
in everything we do.
Our teachers work hard to find new ways to make their subjects more exciting while relevant field trips and
study visits take lessons out of the classroom. A wide range of extra-curricular activities also provide new
ways to learn and have fun.
We am immensely proud of our school – of our wonderful students, parents and staff, who work together
as a united community. We are providing all-round education that inspires, challenges and motivates our
students to aim high, to work hard and to fulfil their potential.
Curriculum Overview
In Secondary, during Key Stage 3 ( Years 7 – 9) all students will study a core curriculum consisting of English, Mathematics, Science, Arabic, French, PE, History, Geography, Art, Social Studies and Islamic. In Year 9, all students will have the opportunity to sit for the internationally recognized Checkpoint examinations in English, Mathematics and Science. These examinations offer an excellent, external international measurement by which you can track your son/daughter's progress.
Year 10 students will progress to IGCSE where they will study four compulsory subjects: English, Mathematics, Arabic and Religion and four optional subjects chosen from a wide range of Sciences, Humanities and business subjects studied over a 2 year period and sitting these important examinations in Year 11.
Year 12, students' progress to AS Level and have the opportunity to choose from a wide number of subject choices.
Assessment and Reporting
In Secondary, all students receive regular assessments. When students enter at Year 7 they are assessed
for numeracy and literacy skills to enable effective target setting and lesson differentiation in order to cater
for all our students individual needs. During the course of the school year students receive ongoing Progress
Information assessments. There are two formal assessment reports which follow our bi-annual examination cycle
in December and May.
Termly parent meetings and regular updates from staff allow students and parents to track their learning.
Assessment is based on the learning outcomes of the English National Curriculum and Cambridge IGCSE/AS
criteria or Pearsons Edexcel. Reports will also contain targets for each subject which students will be expected
to achieve at the end of each academic year.
Student Ambassadors and Student Council
Each year the school will appoint a number of Student Ambassadors to represent the school at internal and external functions. In addition, they will be expected to assist staff in a pastoral role and act as role models for our younger students.
All students in Years 7 to 12, will have the opportunity to vote for a class representative who will join the Student Council.
The role of the Student Council is to represent the interests of all students and act as a 'Voice' for their concerns. The council is also expected to promote cultural and fund raising events within the school.
Items from the Student Council meetings will be brought to the SLT meetings and discussed in order to further support our students and improve our school.